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Title: Estudo de caso: artesanato Laser Cut.
Other Titles: Case study: Laser Cut crafts.
Authors: SOLER, Ganbriel Assunção
OLIVEIRA, Gabriela Vitoria de Oliveira
FREITAS, Maycon Jose Ernandes de
FERREIRA, Paulo Jose Marquini
OLIVEIRA, Ryan Gustavo Ferreira de
Advisor: SOARES, Ricardo Antônio Leal
type of document: Monografia
Keywords: Marketing;Estudos de caso;Comunicação
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publisher: 138
Citation: SOLER, Gabriel Assunção; OLIVEIRA, Gabriela Vitoria de Oliveira; FREITAS, Maycon Jose Ernandes de; FERREIRA, Paulo Jose Marquini; OLIVEIRA, Ryan Gustavo Ferreira de , 2020. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Curso Técnico em Administração) - ETEC Professor Armando José Farinazzo, Fernandópolis, 2020.
Abstract: O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso pautado nas teorias administrativas e baseados na análise de matrizes estratégicas de marketing. O estudo das matrizes de marketing de uma empresa é de extrema importância, pois através delas as organizações estarão expondo suas qualidades e seus pontos fortes, além de potencializar a comunicação com seus clientes e ter uma marca reconhecida no cenário em que atua, proporcionando assim oportunidades de crescimento. Através de um bom gerenciamento de marketing é possível alcançar públicos novos, gerar confiança e fidelizar os seus atuais clientes. O estudo de caso a ser apresentado foi desenvolvido na empresa Artesanato Laser Cut, visando relatar e analisar o Mix de Marketing e a Matriz S.W.O.T da empresa. Durante o trabalho, verificamos possíveis falhas, pontos fracos e ameaças que podem ocasionar defasagens e desvantagens perante os concorrentes nas estratégias de marketing. Posteriormente apresentamos medidas corretivas, baseadas em pesquisas bibliográficas, visando contribuir com a correção dos pontos analisados e colaborar com a evolução da empresa perante o mercado em que atua.
The present work presents a case study based on administrative theories and based on the analysis of strategic marketing matrices. The study of a company's marketing matrices is extremely important, as through them as associations exposing its qualities and strengths, in addition to enhancing communication with its customers and having a recognized brand in the scenario in which it operates, thus providing opportunities for growth. Through good marketing management it is possible to reach new ones, generate trust and retain your current customers. The case study to be presented was developed at Artesanato Cut Laser, Reference to report and analyze the company's Marketing Mix and S.W.O.T Matrix. During the work, we check for possible failures, weaknesses and corrections that can cause lags and disadvantages in relation to competitors in marketing strategies. Subsequently, we present corrective measures, based on bibliographic research, adding with the correction of form points and collaborating with the evolution of the company in the market in which it operates. The present work presents a case study based on administrative theories and based on the analysis of strategic marketing matrices. The study of a company's marketing matrices is extremely important, as through them as associations exposing its qualities and strengths, in addition to enhancing communication with its customers and having a recognized brand in the scenario in which it operates, thus providing opportunities for growth. Through good marketing management it is possible to reach new ones, generate trust and retain your current customers. The case study to be presented was developed at Artesanato Cut Laser, Reference to report and analyze the company's Marketing Mix and S.W.O.T Matrix. During the work, we check for possible failures, weaknesses and corrections that can cause lags and disadvantages in relation to competitors in marketing strategies. Subsequently, we present corrective measures, based on bibliographic research, adding with the correction of form points and collaborating with the evolution of the company in the market in which it operates.
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso

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